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このインフォグラフィックで表示されるデータは一般社団法人 日本原子力産業協会の「日本の原子力発電所の運転・建設状況」を元に作成されています。
Do you know the lifetime of nuclear power plants?
Yuichi Kojima (Politas reporter / Filmmaker)
How to use the infographic
1) Press the play button on the image above.
2) Enter the year of your birth.
* The information you enter will only be used for visualization purposes.
3) Wait for the infographic to load, and press the play button in the bottom left corner to start. The infographic will show the history and future plans of nuclear power plants in Japan in relation to your age.
* The inforgraphic has sounds, but you can mute them by clicking on the sound button next to the play button.
4) You can use the play/pause buttons and the progress bar to go to a specific year and see the situation in more detail.
5) Pausing the infographic and tapping (or moving the cursor over in the case of a PC) on the icon of each plant will reveal detailed information about it.
* In case the infographic does not function for any reason, please take a look at the video version.
This infographic starts in 1960, the year in which construction works were commenced for Japan’s first commercial nuclear power plant, the Tokai Nuclear Power Plant. The plant was completed six years later in 1966, and from the 1970s to the late 1990s, new nuclear power plants began operating almost every year. The momentum for new construction was however lost around 2000, and in 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) suffered a nuclear accident. In response to the accident, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration of the day revised the Reactor Regulation Act, setting the lifetime of nuclear power plants to 40 years. This marked the beginning of the era of mass decommissioning of nuclear power plants. It is planned that Tomari Plant’s Unit 3 will enter a phase of decommissioning in 2049, virtually eradicating operation of nuclear power plants in Japan (excluding the Higashidori, Oma, and Shimane Unit 3 plants that are currently under construction).
The music created by Kensuke Ushio for the infrographic assigns a tone for each plant (e.g. a marimba for the Tokai plant, or a piano for the Shika plant). The number of sounds increases as more plants are constructed, and as decommissioning works begin, each corresponding sound becomes weaker until it disappears when the plant is fully decommissioned. Just the combination of these sounds is enough to give you an idea of the rise and decline of nuclear power plants in Japan.
It is said that it takes around 30 years to decommission a nuclear power plant. If we also consider the 40 years of its operation, and the 5 to 10 years for the construction, a plant exists for around 80 years——about the same as the average life expectancy of a Japanese person. This is why this infographic allows you to enter your year of birth, so that you may compare your own life with those of nuclear power plants.
How many nuclear power plants are you going to see out in your lifetime?
This infographic was inspired by Isao Hashimoto’s contemporary art work 1945-1998, which visualizes the occurrence of nuclear tests around the world over time.
The data displayed in this infographic was produced using the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum’s document (in Japanese) “Operating/construction status of Japan’s nuclear power plants”.
The operational period of the plants was set to 40 years following the Reactor Regulation act (Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors). (The act does however allow exemptions with the possibility to extend operations by 20 years.)
For the decommissioning period, we adopted a 30-year duration based on the rough standards for decommissioning that has it at around 20 to 30 years. (For the Fukushima Daiichi plant, however, we opted for 40 years based on the forecast of 30 to 40 years.)
Producer: Daisuke Tsuda
Director: Yuichi Kojima
Art Direction: ujidesign
Music: Kensuke Ushio
Sound Recording: Takashi Watanabe
Programming: Makoto Matsutake
Assistant Director: Kennya Noborio
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